Monday, July 20, 2015


Essential Oils are natural herbal wonders for our body, mind and soul. 

These oils are derived from distilling plants and flowers and extracting the precious oils that does wonders for our mental and physical health, not to mention our spiritual health as well. 

So when it comes to picking your essential oils, here are a few things you must know:
When it comes to choosing essential oils, you will need to be very careful with where you get your oils from. Because of how precious these oils are, it is not uncommon for some suppliers to adulterate the oils with other base oils or fragrance oils to raise their profits. This is why having a reputable and trustworthy supplier is very important to ensure you get the best and purest essential oils there is. 

In terms of pricing, every oil is priced differently. Some oils like Lavender, Rose and Sandalwood are very costly. So if you do find a very cheap bottle of oil labeled as ESSENTIAL OIL, dig a little deeper to find out more before buying. 

Essential oils are derived from various different parts of the world. Grapefruit Oil can be from Africa or the US. Peppermint usually comes from China. Neem is derived mostly from India and so on. The plants are native to the land and need to be harvested there for good reason. So find out where your oils come from. At Craftiviti, all our essential oils are harvested and distilled in their homeland but certified and quality approved in the UK. 

Always check the labels of your oils. Sometimes, there may be other additives to the oil such as base oils, binders or other chemicals. Find out more from your supplier on these added ingredients. The best oils to go for will state 100% pure essential oils. 

One other way to picking the right essential oils for you is to know what you want the oil to do for you. If you have a skin ailment or migraine or a fungal infection, different oils are used for different ailments. Not all oils work the same, however, some oils such as Lavender cover a lot of ground and hence can be used in almost every application. 

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