Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Epoxy Resin and Resin Art

If you’ve seen gorgeous and nearly realistic art of the ocean going around social media, it’s most likely done using epoxy resin. But, what is epoxy resin? How do we create art with it?

What is epoxy resin?

Epoxy resin is a brilliant medium that’s lustrous like glass but with a composition like plastic. It pairs form with functionality, resulting in endless artistic possibilities like fairy pendants, seascape art, pseudo-marble vanities, and wood river tables. It’s experimental nature and ethereal aesthetic allows for gorgeous results. Best of all, it’s non-toxic, odorless and does not give off poisonous fumes like polyester resin.
craftiviti epoxy resin fluid art abstract on canvas

How do we create art with it?

There are many ways in which art can be created from epoxy resin. You can make statues with it through the usage of silicone moulds; encase plants, sand, stones, toys and more inside resin; or simply create fluid art by colouring the resin and pouring it over any surface like a table top or a canvas.
craftiviti epoxy resin clearEpoxy resin comes in two parts: resin and hardener. They are normally mixed together according to a 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. The bottle label will indicate the mixing ratio. When mixed correctly according to ratio, the resin and hardener will react with each other and gradually harden into a hard glossy plastic. An inaccurate measurement of either part will result in a piece that won’t harden properly.
*The Clear Epoxy Resin we sell at our store has a 2:1 ratio. We also have other types of epoxy resin that you can find at our store!

Safety always comes first!

Take care while handling epoxy resin! It’s important to work in a well-ventilated area, to wear latex gloves, and to protect the surface of your work space with silicone mats or plastic sheets. Epoxy resin is difficult to get rid of when it comes in contact with other surfaces! Also, if you’ve accidentally gotten epoxy resin on your skin, immediately rub Vaseline onto the area and wash it.

Want to know more?

Check out this comprehensive post by on the Basics for your first Steps in Resin Art 😍

Thank you for reading! We hope this helps ❤
happy crafting
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