Thursday, April 19, 2018

VIDEO – The Latest Craze Using OPC Foaming Bath Butter

The latest is soap making is seriously something else!
Ever heard of Foaming Bath Butter or Soap Souffles? You will soon once people start getting their hands on it.
The OPC Foaming Bath Butter Soap Base from Stephenson Personal Care is an all-in-one easy-to-whip soap base that makes countless variations of soaps.
Time to dig out that under-used cake mixer because it’s never gonna rest ever again!
What this one soap base can make:
  • Bath Butters
  • Soap Souffles
  • Soap creams
  • Shaving Creams
  • Luscious Bath Scrubs
Mixing time: 20 minutes
Volume: The more you mix, the more this soap base rises. This 1kg base can rise to twice its volume when mixed with sugars.
Mixing ratio: 1 part soap base to 1 part sugar / salt (Optional)
Storage: Keep OPC Bath Butter  in a large mouth jar for easy access. Always use a clean dry spoon to scoop the bath butter out of the jar during use to avoid contamination. Keep OPC Bath Butter  dry at all times.
Usage instructions: Scoop a spoonful of OPC Bath Butter onto your hands and add water. Scrub away. Butter is soft and moisturising. Does not dry skin. Produces rich lather.


  1. Scoop OPC Soap Base from the container into your mixing bowl
  2. Blend to break up the OPC Soap Base for 5 minutes
  3. Add in essential oils and soap pigment (you can also add this last)
  4. Increase the speed to Medium
  5. Add sugar into the bowl while blending at low speed
  6. Leave to blend for 20 minutes
  7. Scoop your invigorating Foaming Soap Butter into a jar
  8. Can be used immediately